Interested In Sponsoring Us?
We have room on our trailer for sponsorships, here are just a few examples of the type of sponsors supporting us: Gatorade, protein shakes, sunglasses, gas, insurance, maintenance, website, and marketing.

Cabinet World
Utah Trikes
Pat's Automotive Specialists
American Center for Philanthropy
Unique Cabinetry LLC
Esprit Decor Gallery
Etheridge Group, LLC
Levels of Sponsorship
Donating to Spokes Fighting Strokes at the following levels will provide the benefits listed:
A link to your website from this page.
A link to your website from this page.
A 6" x 12" magnetic sign displayed on our support vehicle.
A link to your website from this page.
A 12" x 18" magnetic sign displayed on our support vehicle.
Your company logo on this page and on our event T-shirts and riding jerseys.